Round 15 Co2nstruct Zero Business Champion applications are OPEN
Applications for Round 15 of the Quarterly Co2nstruct Zero Business Champion programme are now open.
Please push this free opportunity out across your networks and encourage potential Business Champions (BC) to apply. Since the CZ 6th quarterly framework publication, there has been a keen interest across the industry to join the programme, more information on the Co2nstructZero programme can be found on this link here.
CLICK HERE for the application form, and HERE for edition one of the CZ Business Champion Getting to know you Q&A, this will be a future addition to this commission, to encourage uptake. This showcases the value of joining the programme!
Please feel free to work with your identified member/business to complete the attached application form and ensure that it is complete and submitted to by COP on the 2nd October. Applications are welcome from across the construction industry and please strongly encourage SMEs to apply.
Please note:
The questions within the application form relating to the Co2nstructZero Nine priorities, answers should demonstrate which of the nine priorities the company is achieving or working towards. It’s important to evidence and explain what the business is achieving and how they expect to reach any future sustainability goals, relating to the priorities of the programme.
Section one includes a set of questions for the Business Leader and Section two is a set of questions for the Emerging Leader (a young professional employee between 20-35 years old)
We are really looking forward to receiving applications and reading more about the fantastic work happening across the sector. We aim to get application outcomes announced in November once the CZ Programme board and CZ Programme Leads have made their assessments.
Round 16 of the programme will then open for applications in December.
If you have any questions please contact Stuart Young MCIPR