November Overview – Paul Meadows

Well, it’s very nearly the end of another challenging year in construction, a Fire Safety Act is in force , an industry changing Building Safety Act gained Royal Assent and is going to mount enormous challenges in terms of regulatory control, competency expectations for many and threats of hefty fines or imprisonment for breaching the Building Safety Act and a returning Secretary of State under our new Prime Minister.
Breaking those introductory opening lines down can only be met by the tenacity and values held by the CE Board with a desire to bring so many of us involved in construction together.
No doubt the secondary legislation and guidance over the next couple of years under the Building Safety Act will bring challenges, very likely more than most are realising, particularly the requirement for a competency measure. Ultimately the whole life safety value of construction to the UK economy is no doubt under the focus of more than just our construction colleagues.
To support these challenges there are some amazing Theme groups within CE Midlands and no doubt Andrew’s passion to encourage ever more involved in construction to engage in these and other events form part of pulling us all in the same direction.
Our board at CE Midlands champions better participation to also support the construction challenges ahead with Our Diploma in Collaboration in Construction, G4C and actively encourages engagement in the upcoming Construction Summit, our Theme Groups, Regional Awards. Details of all of the events are within our newsfeed.
We would very much welcome your views on how you are preparing for these challenges and how together we can support one another.