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CEM CEO Andrew Carpenter – January Overview

Andrew Carpenter, Chief Executive opening remarks for January 2022 newsletter


It with immense pleasure that I welcome you to the first CE Midlands Newsletter of 2022. Late last year your board had an Away Day to agree the way forward for 2022 and beyond and this has resulted in a re-structing of our Theme Groups to focus on Greener + Safer + Smarter. We hope by concentrating on these ‘key’ topics of the moment this will add value to both individual members and their organisations. All members are encouraged to put forward participants in one of our four new Theme Groups as below:

  1. Climate Crisis
  2. Building Safety
  3. Future Skills
  4. Smart Construction (Digital & Offsite)

In addition, the board has identified three cross-cutting strands that will be weaved into each of our Theme Groups as follows:

  1. Procurement on Value
  2. Health & Wellbeing
  3. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


We are delighted that the links with the key UK wide construction sector agendas are being expanded and our influence is growing to ensure the Midlands is well represented on the national stage. I would draw your attention to the following in which we are already involved:

  1. The Value Toolkit with Construction Innovation Hub Value Toolkit – Construction Innovation Hub
  2. Building Safety Charter with Considerate Contractors Building a Safer Future – Building Safety Starts with You
  3. Construct Zero with Construction Leadership Council CO2nstructZero » Construction Leadership Council


You will note that there is very much a joined-up approach with our Theme Groups feeding into the national agenda and vice versa. As the year progresses, we hope that our Best Practice Clubs will pick up on this same agenda to complete the end-to-end communication channel.


To add value to our movement I am delighted to say that our G4C movement is really beginning to take shape under the expert leadership of Nikita Badesha & Peter Richardson. Most notable have been the series breakfast meetings held in Birmingham on the first Thursday of the month and these will continue into 2022. All members are encouraged to get their colleagues of thirty-five and under to participate in this valuable group of young professionals.


We are excited about the prospect of returning to something more like normal when it comes to events in 2022 and with that in mind we have a packed programme in store for members and supporters which may be viewed here: Events Planner – Constructing Excellence Midlands. Obviously, this will be COVID willing, and we will keep you posted on an event-by-event basis. We are extremely excited to have recently launched our 2022 Awards:

The deadline for entries is 11th February and 11th March 2022 respectively but please do not leave it until the last minute, get your entry in early and take advantage of the early bird ticket offer. Do not forget you have to be in in to win it! We do have a few sponsorship packages still available if you are interest. Please contact me at The regular Friday webinars, which have proved so valuable since their Launch in 2021, will continue with the first one this coming Friday 14th January 2022 when we welcome Richard Smith of NHBC to discuss all matters MMC Webinars – Constructing Excellence Midlands


Finally, I would say that we are on a bit of a membership drive currently so if you know of any organisation who has not signed up yet, please give me their contact details and we will do the rest.


May I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year and say I look forward to collaborating with you in the coming months and to seeing you at one or more events throughout the year.

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