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BIM4Housing offer Working Groups Fire Safety de-brief

BIM4Housing has been supporting the L&Q/DLUCH Golden Thread Initiative to help advise what information should be collected and how buildings can be safer.

We tapped into the sterling efforts of the Fire Safety Workstream and the first tranche of Roundtables conducted by Will and Scott at the tail-end of last year and have run 12 Roundtable workshops covering:

·         Fire Doors

·         Cavity Barriers

·         AOVs

·         Fire Dampers and Fire Stopping assets

·         Emergency Lighting, Fire Signage

·         Alarms & Detection for Fire, Smoke, Heat and Gas

·         Sprinkler Systems and Dry & Wet risers

·        Dry lining/Partitioning

It has taken a lot of effort from all concerned, but we are now ready to present the outputs from the BIM4Housing Round Tables to the BIM4Housing Working Groups – who set the whole train in motion in the first place.

Context is important in understanding how this information can be used by different stakeholders for different purposes so we will hold individual 90 min workshops with each Group. This will give us the opportunity to decide how we might best apply what we have learned.

Many of you will be interested in more than one stakeholder group so we are running them on separate days to allow you to attend more than one. These will be on Teams so we need to manage the numbers – and if the demand for “seats” if too high, we can split that in two.

Therefore, we would ask that you use the Forms link below to tell us which you would like to attend.

Moving forward, we are looking to hold working Group meetings every 2 months, on the following dates.  These will define topics and issues to feed through to our Workstreams.


George Stevenson


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